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About me

About me...

(Who choosed this image...? Oh was me)

Hello! As you may know if you are here and reading this, i am Tamir Bullón, also known as Tamir_spookybro. An amateur artist and animator who strives to improve every day in what he does. I have been drawing for about four years and i create content for the small group of followers and friends i have.

Currently, I am working on my own projects, including Videogames, my  own art and animations, and most important my own web series "Unreal Facts," inspired by internet classics like "Eddsworld" and "Cyanide & Happiness." The series features my friend Luca and me as we navigate a wacky world filled with strange characters like aliens, the police, and annoying children you wanna kick in the face. Despite being a small team of less than 10 people with only 2 animators, we are committed to delivering the best content possible we can.

Anyways i hope you guys like all i have to offer and most important...

Thank you for reading!

Spooky UF related game

I recently started working on a new game set in the UF world. It's a horror 3D video game inspired by the plot of the pilot. Although it's my first game, I hope it can help promote the pilot and give fans of the show something to enjoy. The best part is that it's free and doesn't require a high computer to play. If there's enough support, I'll release it after the pilot comes out. Currently, it's about 45% complete, so there's still some work to be done.

Unreal Facts

Earlier, I mentioned that "Unreal Facts" is my current main project Originally created by my friend Uziel and me, it had five main characters until he passed the project to me. I teamed up with my partner Luca and together we rebooted the show to the main two sillies you know now. We took a completely new turn but kept the main story of friends in wacky adventures. Our main goal for now is to make a full first season with 10 episodes. We are a small team, but with time and some support from you guys, we hope to make it reality.

Original Art and others

I will continue to create original art, fan art, collabs, memes, and other fun stuff in addition to my UF-related work. Please don't worry, I still have a soul and I'm not an evil corporation...for now stop reading this.

acerca de.


Don't forget to visit the "Portfolio" and "Support" sections of my website where you can view my artwork and support me without spending a dime. If you're enjoying my website, you'll love what you find there.


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